Peptomyc has been granted 40.000 € within the ACTIVA startups call supported by the Industry, Commerce and Tourism Ministry, the EOI Foundation, FSP, in collaboration with Acció and the Catalan Government. The Project will focus on developing nanoemulsions to encapsulate anti-MYC therapeutics in collaboration with DIVERSA. In Peptomyc, we are committed to advancing innovative technologies and pioneering new molecules for better cancer treatments.

Activa Startups is meant to increase the industrial added value and qualified employment in the field. It focuses on developing the digital solutions locally offered, promoting competitive and differential strategies to support the Spanish industry and propel its exports.

These grants will help cover the costs of the innovation process.


About Peptomyc

Peptomyc ( is a spin-off from VHIO –the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology –and ICREA –the Catalan Institute of Research and Advanced Studies -, founded in December 2014 in Barcelona, Spain. The company is focused on the development ofinnovative cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) targeting the Myc oncoprotein for cancer treatment and based on Dr. Soucek’s scientific research in Omomyc (the best direct Myc inhibitor known to date) over the last twenty years. It is the first company to have successfully completed a Phase 1 clinical trial with a direct MYC inhibitor.



Press release (PDF)